
Explore select collaborations that we’re proud of

Louis Vuitton
Harvard Business Review


A limited-edition series of the popular bears, each one offering a new perpsective.

Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton

In honor of the 200th birthday of Louis Vuitton, the brand selected 200 artists from around the globe to create a piece on the iconic, Louis Vuitton trunk. For our piece, our founder Benjamin Grant created a Timelapse animation projection mapped on to the shape. The piece was displayed in all Louis Vuitton store windows across the world on November 2, 2021.

The Economist Intelligence Unit

The Economist Intelligence Unit

For the 75th anniversary of The Economist Intelligence Unit, a special report was released to speak to "Clarity in an uncertain world." The report focuses on various regions around the world with specific forecasts for each. Overview was tasked with finding imagery, both new and from its archive, to help bring these stories to life.

Drake + Better World Fragrance House

Drake + Better World Fragrance House

For the launch of Drake's Better World Fragrance House, six scents were created to represent meaningful locations and people to him from around the world. Overview was tasked with finding and creating imagery for each the locations, to help bring those stories to life.



We were commissioned by the Facebook Artist in Residence Program (AIR) to create an installation at their newest office in Sausalito, California.

Harvard Business Review

Harvard Business Review

​​For the May / June 2019 issue of the Harvard Business Review, we put together a gallery of our images to accompany their story "Shareholders Are Getting Serious About Sustainability.” The article explores the changes that are driving investors to fully consider the environmental, social, and governance practices of the companies they back. Here’s a link to check out the online version of the article. 

Colonial Hall

Colonial Hall

There is No Planet B. We worked with the team at ExitDesign in Barcelona to prepare an image library that made this clear by showing vulnerable landscapes across the globe. With more than 50 images, the library was pieced together to create a video installation for the enterance screens at Colonial Hall in Barcelona, Spain.

Sir Kensington's

Sir Kensington's

For our 2019 Earth Day collaboration we worked with the brand team at Sir Kensington’s to identify where they source the ingredients for the condiments. For a company who deeply values the quality of their products, it was powerful to see the freshest ingredients from this new perspective. Read the interview with our founder Benjamin Grant that accompanied the piece here.

Nutopia + "One Strange Rock"

Nutopia + "One Strange Rock"

One Strange Rock is a documentary series which tells the story of how life survives on planet Earth, as told by eight astronauts from their unique perspective in outer space. For the show’s first season, we worked with the production team at Nutopia to curate and license a selection of images from our library that corresponded with various themes and locations presented in each episode. Our collaboration has continued into Season 2 of the show, which is currently in production. 

Barcelona Center of Contemporary Culture

Barcelona Center of Contemporary Culture

"After The End of The World" was an exhibition organized by the Center of Contemporary Culture in Barcelona with various installations to show how the Earth has be irreversibly transformed into the Anthropocene planet after two centuries of human impact on natural systems. We collaborated with the museum’s curators to design and build a massive Overview maze which stood as the first installation of the exhibition. By weaving in and out of these Overview barriers, visitors were able to see a current snapshot of what human impact looks like on a massive scale. 

California Academy of Sciences

California Academy of Sciences

The California Academy of Sciences is the premiere science museum in San Francisco. In advance of a museum-wide initiative called “Planet Vision”, we created imagery for the campaign’s launch video, installation wall in the museum, and the event invitation for the opening party. Our collaboration continued into the following months as we put together a live planetarium show that we performed multiple times at the museum’s weekly “Nightlife” evening for members and the public.

UponWalls Sweden

UponWalls Sweden

Partnering with UponWalls, we built a modular exhibition to presented in open-air environments in various Swedish towns. Now two years running with successful summer exhibitions in Hjo and Granvik, we have brought to life a belief that these images don’t belong behind the exclusive doors of galleries, but instead should be available to people of all ages and backgrounds in easily-accessible places.



At Platform LA, we built a pop-up gallery and hosted an event to raise money and awareness for the Natural Resources Defense Council. The NRDC is a non-profit that works to safeguard the Earth — its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends. All proceeds from the gallery went directly to support the NRDC’s efforts.



Khalid was one of the breakthrough recording artists of 2018 and we were thrilled to work with his visual team to create the background aesthetic for his live performances of "Location." See him perform the song live here:

SFO Airport Museum

SFO Airport Museum

As the only airport in the United States with its own art museum, SFO International invited us to create an Overview gallery along one of their terminal walkways. The selection for the exhibition - “Abstracts From Space” - aimed to use the fact that many of pieces look like abstract art to draw people in to take a closer look. We sincerely apologize if this lead to any missed flights! Read more about the exhibition here.

daily overviewShop

Through our daily posts, products, and collaborations we aim to inspire the Overview Effect.